Friday, February 19, 2010

DICE 2010: What Happens In Vegas..

DICE Summit 2010 is well underway and several Game Informer editors are out in Vegas reporting on all the latest news and updates. What happens in Vegas will be posted here for your convenience, starting with the most recent news posts. Check in regularly for all the latest posts or click here for the DICE 2010 Feed.

EA's Schappert Admits To Mirror's Edge, Dead Space Failures
John Schappert, chief operating officer at Electronic Arts used his time at DICE to talk about 20 years of technology transitions in the gaming industry. Aside from the obvious technological advances, Schappert says that one of the big changes is the number of gaming platforms and the difficulty in tracking data on such a fragmented marketplace.

Gearbox's Randy Pitchford On Perfection, Motivation
Gearbox Software’s president Randy Pitchford started off the last day of DICE with a deeper look at his studio’s philosophies and strategies.

Uncharted 2 Grabs 10 AIAS Awards
Well it looks like the AIAS is reinforcing what the rest of the industry has been saying since its release as Uncharted 2 has walked away with a stellar 10 awards this year. As is the tradition around here, Jay Mohr took the stage to host the 13th Annual Interactive Achievement Awards at DICE 2010. While the results definitely favored Naughty Dog's action/adventure game, other big winners included Batman: Arkham Asylum, Scribblenauts and Modern Warfare 2. For those of you who don't know, the AIAS awards are peer voted, meaning that the developers are picking the winners. Also honored this year were David Crane with the first annual Pioneer Award. Doug Lowenstein with the Lifetime Achievement Award and Mark Cerny was inducted into the Hall of Fame. See the full list of winners below.

Alan Wake Dev On Living With Delays
Matias Myllyrinne wrapped up today’s DICE lectures with a presentation about the long-delayed game, Alan Wake. The Remedy Entertainment president spent the bulk of his presentation discussing some of the reasons why development has taken such an extended period of time.

Brian Reynolds Talks About Harvesting Players
Zynga’s Brian Reynolds focused his DICE presentation on social gaming, which was clearly a topic on the minds of many this year. Zynga, in case you don’t know, is the company behind the ubiquitous Facebook games Mafia Wars and Farmville. Farmville now boasts more than 31 million daily users, according to Reynolds, which isn’t half bad considering that the game was developed in about five weeks. Of those users, about three to five percent of players pony up a little cash for the experience. While he wouldn’t give up any specific financial details, he said there was a reason why people are starting to take this revenue model seriously.

Kotick: Partnering With Harmonix Could Have Been Profitable
During his presentation at DICE, Activision Blizzard CEO Bobby Kotick talked about missed opportunities for the company. One such misstep was failing to explore options with Guitar Hero co-creator Harmonix.

Ultima Creator Says Game Stories Have Been Failures
The father of Ultima, Richard Garriott, made some very strong comments about the state of story-telling in games at DICE. Not only does he believe he’s written some of the best interactive dialogue in games, but he also thinks most other story-writing attempts have failed.

Bobby Kotick Traces His Roots, Announces Indie Game Competition
Activision Blizzard’s always outspoken CEO, Bobby Kotick, took the stage at DICE and used his time to talk about the early days of his involvement with the company. Anyone looking for him to make provocative statements left disappointed. Instead, the assembled audience heard a humble Kotick speak candidly about why he does what he does.

Jaffe: Calling All Cars Was A Mistake
Back in 2007, a downloadable PSN game entitled Calling All Cars was released. The game combined elements of Twisted Metal and NBA Jam’s gameplay, while glazing it with a cartoony veneer. Looking back, designer David Jaffe says it was a “mistake.”

ESA’s Legal Counsel Breaks Down Gaming Regulation
During his DICE presentation, Ken Doroshow, the Electronic Software Association’s senior vice president and general counsel, took the opportunity to talk about some of the legal challenges facing some of the gaming industry.

Professor Jessie Schell Breaks Down Social Media In Gaming
Jessie Schell, a professor at Carnegie Mellon University, kicked off today's DICE schedule by talking about the importance of social media in the gaming landscape.

Disney: Epic Mickey Could Arrive On PS3, 360
If you’ve had your eyes peeled on Game Informer since the site’s relaunch, you’re already very familiar with Disney Interactive’s upcoming Epic Mickey (check out our Epic Mickey hub page for tons of features). While originally touted as a Wii exclusive, word has surfaced from the Las Vegas DICE summit regarding the title going multi-platform at some point in the future.

Disney Kicks Off DICE, Drops Possible Name For Sony Motion Controller
The 2010 DICE Summit officially kicked off with Disney Interactive Media Group president Steve Wadsworth's keynote. After AIAS Pres Joseph Olin opened things up, Steve took the stage to discuss the company's digital content strategy, the economy's affect on the games industry, and new trends in technology that are changing the way consumers view and buy media.

Keep checking into for the latest news coming out of DICE 2010.

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